
原创 admin  2023-03-20 08:47  阅读 0 次












The opening speed of enterprise websites cannot be ignored

Therefore, for website optimization, we can not ignore the website speed, but need to adopt the correct optimization strategy to improve and improve the opening speed of the website as much as possible, so as to effectively enhance the user satisfaction of the website. The following first analyzes the influencing factors related to the opening speed of the website, and then puts forward the corresponding optimization strategy.

First, DNS resolution.

Most of the time, webmasters don't care about DNS resolution. In fact, the importance of resolution is relatively high. If your host configuration is higher, if DNS can't reflect in real time, when users open your website, they will spend a lot of time on resolution, which will affect the opening speed of the website, and some even can't open the website. Therefore, to solve this problem, we need to choose a host with strong DNS resolution ability. In fact, we only need to choose an enterprise with high brand.

Second, website code.

Now many webmasters use the website building system to build websites. The advantage of this method is that it can greatly improve the speed of website construction. Unfortunately, some website building systems build too much website code redundancy. If the website bandwidth is high, the impact is not large enough, but if the bandwidth is relatively narrow, it will have a certain impact on the opening speed of the website. However, for many novice webmasters, it is still very difficult for them to modify redundant code. After all, it will involve various website building languages. And you need to understand all kinds of scripts. Therefore, we need to invite some professionals to do this optimization. Of course, if the cost is too high, we can choose a very high-quality website building program to build the website, which can help reduce the redundant code of the website.

Third, there are too many pictures.

Now many webmasters often like to eat a large number of pictures when building a website. They think this will make the website look very beautiful. If it is some content pages, adding a picture to achieve both pictures and text will effectively improve the readability of the content. However, if the size of the picture is too large, it is bound to affect the opening speed of the website. Of course, some websites stack and arrange the pictures, and have not used segmentation technology. Only when all the pictures are downloaded to the page can we see the content of the page, which seriously affects the reading of users. On the one hand, the picture can be compressed through PS to make the size smaller without affecting the clarity of the picture. On the other hand, if there are too many pictures, you can use the slicing function on PS to segment the pictures, which can effectively improve the display speed of the web page. So as to improve the opening speed of the website.

Fourth, host configuration.

This is mainly at the hardware level, that is, it is closely related to investment. If the investment scale is larger, the host with high configuration can be appropriately selected, such as supporting dual line access, special line exclusive access, etc. If the investment scale is small, only virtual hosts with relatively high cost performance can be selected. However, after purchasing the host, we must properly test the speed of the website, so as to prevent the purchase of slow hosts, which will have a great impact on the user experience of the website.

In short, during the construction of the website, the opening speed of the website cannot be ignored, and the optimization of the opening speed of the website needs to be paid attention to at all times in the design, so as to prevent the slow opening speed of the website during operation due to the neglect in the design stage. If it is modified at that time, the difficulty will increase significantly, which will seriously affect the success of website operation.


